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Global Sustainability

Литвиненко и Орешкин
According to the expert, resource independence can be achieved through the formation of new geological knowledge, as well as improving the quality level of training of engineers and scientific personnel.
The Academic Council of the Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University has voted to nominate for the Russian Government Prize in Science and Technology 2024 a work dedicated to improving labor safety during the exploitation of deposits located at great depths.
A plant for the production of environmentally friendly hydrogen, which was being built near the German town of Heide, will not be put into operation. All work there has been permanently halted. This was announced last week, three years after the creation of the alliance ”H2 West Coast”, which was to realise this project, by its initiators from France, Denmark and Germany.
The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug will develop professional standards for the industry, as well as mechanisms for effective implementation of innovations at mining and processing enterprises.
Researchers at the Colorado School of Mines - considered the best university in the world for the quality of mining training - have identified a paradox that threatens the sustainability of the entire human race. On the one hand, our civilization is consuming more and more resources. Moreover, the energy transition, that is, the massive adoption of renewable energy on a global scale, is only increasing the demand for many different metals.
New blocking compounds (crosslinkers) required for efficient operation of Kovykta gas condensate field have already passed pilot tests. Their introduction into production will make it possible to avoid problems when drilling wells, which arise due to the uncontrolled flow of brine. Salty groundwater disrupts circulation of drilling fluids, which leads to their absorption into the formation. Elimination of complications takes a lot of time and leads to decrease of production profitability.
По производственным и финансовым результатам мировых золотодобывающих компаний в уходящем 2022 году можно судить о том, что общий объём реализации драгоценного металла, как и выручка, сократились
What actions should the government take in order to overcome the economic downturn and achieve sustainable GDP growth?
The Rector of St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko’s speech at the International Forum ”Nature Management and Conservation of the World Natural Heritage”, dedicated to the need to strengthen the role of the state in the regulation of the mineral resource complex, caused a wide public response. Scientists, politicians and heads of specialized companies are unanimous in their assessments: the government must develop a transparent and effective strategy for managing the extraction and processing of resources.
Another climate summit was held in Egypt, at the end of which many participants expressed their disappointment with the destructive position of the ”rich countries.” Why?