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Stones Stories

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The oldest known image of the labyrinth dates back to 1200 BC. Its author lived in the Peloponnese. Not far from the island of Crete, where later, according to Athenian mythology, the inventor Daedalus, the father of the winged Icarus, built a labyrinth for King Minos. In it, Theseus defeated the Minotaur and was able, with the help of Ariadne’s thread, to return back.
The bubonic plague pandemic in the middle of the 14th century in Europe alone killed about 30 million people. People unwittingly began to think about sanitation. In some German duchies orders were issued for the production of exclusively closed vessels. Thus the classic beer mugs with hinged lids appeared. Seventy million years before the plague, the bivalve mollusks rudists evolved in the same direction.
As we know, the wheel was invented by the Sumerians. They are also the authors of the first cuneiform texts in history. Five thousand years ago, scholars in the area of modern Baghdad were scribbling signs of writing with a pointed reed on a clay plane. Two of these discoveries were almost enough to stimulate Emile Berliner’s creative imagination for his main project. The famous native of Lower Saxony modernized Edisson’s phonograph, uncomfortable for widespread use, into the most popular consumer ”toy” of the early 20th century: the gramophone.
Senegalite, an aqueous aluminum phosphate, is named after the country where it was first found. It happened in 1976. Senegal, independent from France since 1960, had then constitutionally enshrined a multi-party system. The most westernized country on the African continent took another step toward developing its own political culture, which naturally did not cancel out the influence of soft power from the former metropolis. One of its manifestations: the authorship of all the basic scientific materials on Senegalite belongs to the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.
On May 3, 1924, Soviet scientist Alexander Oparin reported to the Russian Botanical Society his theory of the origin of life on Earth. The essence of his hypothesis is the chemical transformation of non-living matter into organic matter. The so-called primary broth.
Why is a mechanical mincer made of silumin 10 times cheaper than its stainless steel counterpart? If only because the threads of the clamping screw made of this aluminum-silicon alloy can tear off after the first attempt to secure the classic kitchen appliance to the countertop.
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In economics, there is a surefire way to increase income by more than three and a half times in less than four months without doing anything. You just need to become a monopolist in the global iridium market and at the right moment suspend production.
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As is well known, projects to turn the rivers southward to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea were widely discussed in the post-war USSR. They struck the imagination with their scale. Ordinary people imagined multi-kilometer lines of diggers or, at best, excavators. The official propaganda did not show the details: the construction of channels was supposed to intensify by means of series of directed nuclear blasts of low power.
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Waiting by the sea for the weather is about amber mining. Water throws the petrified resin of ancient coniferous trees onto the shore, the more abundant the storm. There is even a special term - amber storms. The Baltic Sea is the richest in amber. It’s estimated that in the three millennia since the beginning of trade between the North and Ancient Egypt, about 125 thousand tons of this precious stone have been collected on its shores.
The question of the location of the edge of the earth on a planet shaped like a flattened ball is non-trivial. The most entitled to this status are probably the outlying areas in eastern Eurasia. This is where the Manchu dynasty of China’s Qing dynasty expanded northward at the end of the 17th century. Russia, in turn, was also interested in developing the Transbaikal Region. The Nerchinsk Treaty of 1689 was the first document on the borders between the two empires.