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Stones Stories

This mineral is most often associated with liquid, which has a sharp characteristic odor. It can be obtained from manure. However, this is no obstacle for making from it candies popular in Europe.
This stone is the official symbol of the American state of Colorado. However, its appearance is more like a flower than a mineral.
This rare and beneficial mineral is composed of almost an entire periodic table. However, there are very few deposits where it can be mined — less than a dozen in the whole world, with the largest one located in Russia.
If not for this rock, humankind would probably have never survived at the dawn of civilisation with its harsh environment. There is a vast potential hidden in the mineral to which a whole epoch is linked.
This stone is in the top four world’s most expensive minerals. And despite it falling short of diamond’s hardness, it is much more beautiful and by far more costly. Now, this is the stone that should have been a girl’s best friend!
This stone is a real treasure of the Hermitage. Yet there is a place on Earth where the mineral literally lies underfoot.
Agate is a pretty common and readily available mineral, two completely identical samples of which do not exist in nature. Each specimen has a unique pattern, the same as with human fingerprints.
By its outward appearance, this rock is well ahead of all the other gemstones. It did not become popular among jewellers, but on the other hand, it has become a primary source of one of the most demanded metals of the 21st century.
This is an unusual stone of a surprisingly beautiful colour that did not, however, become an object of interest for jewellers.
This is a mineral of mourning colour, which is actually a variety of smoky quartz. It was also believed to be a mystical stone.