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Former Austrian Foreign Minister Conducts Exams for Students and Postgraduates at Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University

Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов и аспирантов Горного университета.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов и аспирантов Горного университета.

The former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria and director of the G.O.R.K.I. Center at St. Petersburg State University, Karin Kneissl, conducted oral exams for students and postgraduate students of Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University. These exams were organized following a series of panel discussions, lectures, and round tables that students had been attending since the beginning of the academic year. The panel discussions were conducted in English, with each session dedicated to a relevant topic—energy security, the situation in raw material markets, and other important issues, including those beyond the mandatory university curriculum.

Одна из панельных дискуссий, которые прошли в Горном университете.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Одна из панельных дискуссий, которые прошли в Горном университете.
Карин Кнайсль во время панельной дискуссии для студентов и аспирантов в актовом зале Горного университета.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Карин Кнайсль во время панельной дискуссии для студентов и аспирантов в актовом зале Горного университета.

The idea of conducting such educational lectures originated from Karin Kneissl herself. Initially, it was intended to be a one-time event, but eventually, it was decided to organize an entire series of panel discussions and round tables on topics of interest to students in chemistry, engineering, and other fields at Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University.

-We started with issues of insurance and reinsurance, then moved on to discussing data and statistics, touching on changes in the 'green agenda' and climate issues. The last round table was dedicated to the numerous players in the energy market," Kneissl told Forpost.

Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов.

The main goal of the panel discussions was to broaden students' horizons, spark their desire to address various common problems and give impetus to collaborative research efforts. One of the key topics was Russia’s technological sovereignty in the context of the current economic and geopolitical situation. The lectures explored in detail why Russian companies should not rely on external sources for data and statistics but rather develop their own databases.

- Looking at some students, especially those who attended the earlier seminars, it became clear that they recognized the importance of data, statistics, and technological sovereignty. Of course, this is a challenging task in the current circumstances, particularly given the tendency of some companies—or perhaps even official institutions—not to be entirely transparent. Nevertheless, for any company in the mining industry, it is crucial to know what resources it has, their quality, and so on, - noted Karin Kneissl.

Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Карин Кнайсль принимает экзамен у студентов.

The main criteria for assessment in the exam were not the correctness or incorrectness of a particular viewpoint but rather its argumentation, structure, and logical consistency. The exam was conducted in an oral format—an idea proposed by the former Austrian Foreign Minister. According to her, the dialogue between a student and a professor is a far better way to assess competency than a test or written assignment.

- Being able to articulate knowledge and perform under pressure is crucial in real professional life, - Karin Kneissl emphasized.

According to the examiner, the students demonstrated varying levels of knowledge and preparation.

- The first day of the exam was somewhat disappointing for me. However, as time went on, students began to communicate more effectively, and there were several groups that demonstrated a very high level. In any case, as they say, you have to open many shells to find a pearl—and we did find one. But I think there is still room for improvement, - Kneissl concluded.

Данил Шапошников и Наталия Шапурова поделились впечатлениями от участия в панельных дискуссиях и лекциях, которые прошли перед экзаменом.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Данил Шапошников и Наталия Шапурова поделились впечатлениями от участия в панельных дискуссиях и лекциях, которые прошли перед экзаменом.

Danil Shaposhnikov, a fifth-year student (Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering), was among those who successfully passed the exam. He noted the interesting and unusual format of the test, which was presented as a case study.

- We were asked to imagine ourselves as energy ministers. Our task was to come up with a series of improvements to enhance Russia’s export security under sanctions, ensuring energy sovereignty. The assignments were team-based, but each student answered individually to present their own ideas.

Natalia Shapurova, a fifth-year student (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering), also shared her impressions.

- The atmosphere encouraged communication, and there was no sense of tension. Everything covered in the exam had been discussed during the lectures, which were very informative. We explored current topics, engaged in discussions, and had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers. I particularly liked this aspect—it wasn’t just a lecture but a discussion, a dialogue. The information was supported by expert presentations, making it clear and visually engaging.

The exam was conducted in English. In today’s world, fluency in a foreign language is essential for full immersion in the global scientific process. At Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University, great emphasis is placed on learning English as the primary language of academic communication, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Студенты готовятся к экзамену
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Студенты готовятся к экзамену

However, during the exams conducted by Ms. Kneissl, a perfect command of English was important but not the primary requirement.

- The professor did not overly focus on speech errors. What mattered more was your opinion and the ideas you proposed. However, the lectures themselves were quite challenging—after three hours, it became difficult to maintain concentration. One suggestion for the future would be to provide transcriptions, so we can absorb the information not just by listening, - said Danil Shaposhnikov.

According to the students, such panel discussions are highly beneficial for their future careers. They not only provide additional knowledge but also encourage self-education, even beyond the mandatory university curriculum.

Экзаменам предшествовала серия панельных дискуссий и лекций.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Экзаменам предшествовала серия панельных дискуссий и лекций.

- I am interested in energy security and the situation in raw material markets. Now I have a better understanding of how the market operates and how pricing is formed. I learned what reinsurance is and how it works. It was only after the lectures that I truly grasped how and why freight rates (the cost of transporting goods by sea) increase—because there is an issue in the insurance market, - shared the young man.

Based on the exam results, participants will receive certificates confirming their mastery of an additional specialization. As a reminder, Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University offers more than 200 such specializations. In total, graduates, in addition to their primary diploma, will have eight such competencies and at least two professional qualifications in their portfolio.

Одна из панельных дискуссий, которые прошли в Горном университете.
© Форпост Северо-Запад / Одна из панельных дискуссий, которые прошли в Горном университете.