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Stones Stories

Many religions suggest that hell is made of this stone. To be fair, its natural deposits often look as if they were the gates to hell. No wonder then the mineral was mentioned even in the Bible.
This stone definitely belongs to the world’s most beautiful minerals. Collectors from all over the globe are dreaming of getting their hands on it. But once it gets exposed to the direct sunlight, it immediately turns to dust.
The beauty of this stone killed dozens of scientists. Everyone who attempted to find out what it was made of died painfully.
This stone consists for almost 90% of one of the most toxic but also highly demanded metals, whose name is lead. Too much lead circulating in the human body triggers inevitable death, which is indeed one of the reasons why galena extraction will be soon put a stop to. But as for now, this mineral is a cause of multiple deaths.
For many centuries, ladies had been using this stone to improve their looks. The price they paid was, however, extraordinarily high - it was their own lives!
The distinctive feature of this stone is its ability to change both the appearance and shape. Throughout the centuries, it remains the most popular building material; it also helps to save human lives.
Items made of this stone are a real treasure of Russia. One of the stone’s most amazing features is that anyone can carve a picture or statue of it with a standard kitchen knife. But to do that… one would have to move to Siberia and spend the rest of their lives learning the basics of craftsmanship.
Every citizen of Israel believes this stone is a country’s national treasure. The mystery of stone formation is, however, unclear yet - completely identical minerals in nature do not exist; each sample is unique.
This stone is the only mineral in the world that can practically entirely neutralize radiation. In order to recover from serious illnesses, many people are even ready to eat it.
In its gorgeousness, this stone is no inferior to precious sapphires. However, only geniuses are capable of cutting it. In 1984, the U.S. Congress recognized deposits with it as “strategic” for the country. In Russia, its production to date is only in plans.