St. Petersburg Mining University is launching a new project called "Days of Science." Within its framework it is planned to hold informal meetings of undergraduate and graduate students of the university with scientists, economists and specialists in the field of IT-technologies. The aim of such meetings is popularization of science, introducing students to professionals who are passionate about their work, as well as innovations and advanced techniques in various fields of knowledge aimed at improving the sustainability of our state.
The first guest of the oldest higher technical educational institution in Russia will be a representative of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights - Digital Economy Ombudsman Iliya Dimitrov. He will talk about the practical implementation of digital technologies in various spheres of life, their impact on improving energy efficiency at home and at work, including in the mining and oil and gas industries, as well as their role in the state regulation process.
The meeting is held on Wednesday, March 16, in the auditorium of the Historical Building of the Mountain University, and will start at 12.00. In the future such events will be held weekly and will be attended by university professors and invited specialists.