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Foreign students of the Mining University spent the winter in Russian style

© Форпост Северо-Запад

On the penultimate day of Maslenitsa they competed in tug-of-war and arm-wrestling, ate pancakes and led a circle dance.

On Saturday February 25 activists of the University Students Council, student sports club "Mountain Hawks" and International Friendship Club introduced to their foreign peers one of the oldest Russian traditions - Maslenitsa. They did not burn her effigy in the yard of the dormitory № 3, as it was prohibited by the rules of fire safety, but all the other elements of the celebration were respected.

© Форпост Северо-Запад
© Форпост Северо-Запад

Participants of the event threw valenki into a ring, jumped in sacks, were photographed against the samovars and tried on the traditional elements of Russian folk clothing: painted patterned scarves, hats with earflaps and kokoshnikos, complementing their image with beads of sheep and dried milk.

"My friends and I had fun pulling rope, jumping in sacks, and throwing valenki into a hoop. To be honest, it was new to me. But we were glad that such events help foreign students to get accustomed to Russian culture, adapt in society, improve their knowledge of Russian and find new friends", shared his emotions Diego Monterrey, Mechanical Engineering student.

© Форпост Северо-Запад
© Форпост Северо-Запад

During the second part of the holiday, which took place indoors, each of the faculties presented their table with a traditional Maslenitsa treat. Moreover, the task of students and graduate students was not only to eat it, but also to evaluate it. The Oil and Gas Faculty won the award for the biggest and most patterned pancake. And for their mass production - representatives of the Mechanical Engineering Department.

© Форпост Северо-Запад
© Форпост Северо-Запад