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Students of St. Petersburg Mining University won in two categories of BELAZ-CHALLENGE championship

© Сергей Лавренко

The III International BELAZ-CHALLENGE-2023 Engineering Case Solving Championship was completed in Minsk. Students and teachers of technical universities of Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan took part in it.

The original proposals of the Mining University team allowed it to take first place in two areas at once: competition-quiz and case analysis based on data from intelligent system of monitoring and predictive analytics BELAZ (IMS). It allows you to monitor and control the technical condition of the fleet of dump trucks, assess the effectiveness of its work, based on data from telemetry and GPS-positioning, as well as predict the failure of trucks due to excessive loads on certain components. The task of the young people, who were offered a set of data on the trips of three units of quarry equipment, was to analyze the information received and to develop proposals for expanding the capabilities of the system.

"The expert jury noted the completeness of our students' command of the mathematical apparatus in the processing of real data from the machines. In addition, the initiative to use strain gauges to fix the relative deformation of the frame, as well as a system for monitoring the pressure and temperature in tires was highly appreciated. These and other solutions will allow us to more fully evaluate technical parameters and obtain information on diagnostics of defects and violations of operating modes of open-pit transport," Scientific adviser of the Center of digital technologies of the university, Sergey Lavrenko, commented on the winning of the Mining University team.

The team, representing the oldest technical university in Russia, consisted of Nikita Rozvyankov (GM-19), Ivan Rusakov (GTS-19), Artyom Samodurov (GTS-20), Ilya Stepanov (GTS-20) and Evgeny Fedorov (GM-19). They also won in another nomination - the intellectual contest-quiz "BELAZ, PLEASE", showing erudition and knowledge of the Belarusian manufacturer's equipment.

© Сергей Лавренко